SSS 1 BIOLOGY Scheme of Work | 1st, 2nd & 3rd Term

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Get ready to explore the intricate world of biology with the SSS 1 Biology scheme of work. 

This well-structured guide outlines a clear path through the core concepts, from the basics of classification and ecology to the vital role of microorganisms. 

Each term builds upon the last, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical applications to create a rich learning experience. 

When combined with the recommended textbooks, you gain a solid grasp of biology’s essential principles.

SSS 1 BIOLOGY Scheme of Work

SSS 1 BIOLOGY First Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Biology as an Enquiry Knowledge of Nature

  • Definition of biology
  • Branches of biology
  • Importance of biology
  • Concept of living things
  • Differences between plants and animals

Week 2: Organization of Living Things

  • Levels of organization in organisms
  • Characteristics of living things
  • Unicellular and multicellular organisms
  • Classification of living things

Week 3: Classification of Living Things

  • Principles of classification
  • Binomial nomenclature
  • Taxonomic hierarchy

Week 4: Classification of Living Things (Cont’d)

  • Kingdom Monera and Protista
  • Kingdom Fungi and Plantae
  • Characteristics of organisms in each kingdom

Week 5: Classification of Living Things (Cont’d)

  • Kingdom Animalia
  • Major phyla of invertebrates
  • Major classes of vertebrates

Week 6: The Cell

  • Definition and structure of the cell
  • Types of cells (plant and animal cells)
  • Functions of cell organelles
  • Differences and similarities between plant and animal cells

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Diffusion

  • Definition of diffusion and osmosis
  • Factors affecting diffusion and osmosis
  • Importance of diffusion in living organisms

Week 9: Properties and Functions of Cell – Feeding

  • Types of nutrition (autotrophic and heterotrophic)
  • Feeding processes in living organisms
  • Importance of nutrition

Week 10: Cellular Respiration

  • Definition of respiration
  • Types of respiration (aerobic and anaerobic)
  • Importance of cellular respiration

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Week 13: Closing

SSS 1 BIOLOGY Second Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Anabolism

  • Definition of anabolism
  • Photosynthesis as a form of anabolism
  • Factors affecting photosynthesis

Week 2: Excretion

  • Definition of excretion
  • Types of excretory products
  • Excretory organs in plants and animals

Week 3: Growth

  • Definition and characteristics of growth
  • Cell division
  • Phases of growth
  • Factors affecting growth

Week 4: Movement and Reproduction

  • Types of movement in organisms
  • Asexual and sexual reproduction
  • Importance of reproduction
  • Meiosis 

Week 5: Tissues and Supporting System

  • Types of animal tissues
  • Types of plant tissues
  • Functions of supporting tissues

Week 6: Different Types of Supporting Tissues in Plants

  • Xylem and phloem tissues
  • Collenchyma and sclerenchyma
  • Functions of supporting tissues in plants

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Nutrition in Animals

  • Types of nutrition in animals
  • Digestive system of animals
  • Processes of digestion

Week 9: Basic Ecological Concept

  • Definition of ecology
  • Ecological factors (biotic and abiotic)
  • Ecosystem structure
  • Factors affecting habitats

Week 10: Major Biomes of the World

  • Definition of biomes
  • Types of biomes (tundra, desert, grassland, forest)
  • Characteristics of each biome

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Week 13: Closing

SSS 1 BIOLOGY Third Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Simple Measurement of Ecological Concept

  • Population density
  • Ecological factors common to all habitat
  • Importance of ecological factors

Week 2: Simple Measurement of Ecological Factors (Cont’d)

  • Light, temperature, and humidity measurements
  • Soil composition and pH measurement
  • Water quality measurement

Week 3: Functioning Ecosystem

  • Food chains and food webs
  • Ecological pyramids (energy, biomass, and numbers)
  • Trophic levels

Week 4: Energy Flow

  • Flow of energy in an ecosystem
  • Efficiency of energy transfer
  • Energy losses in the food chain

Week 5: Energy Loss in the Biosphere

  • Causes of energy loss
  • Role of decomposers in energy flow
  • Importance of energy balance in ecosystems

Week 6: Relevance of Biology to Agriculture

  • Importance of biology in crop production
  • Application of biological knowledge in animal husbandry
  • Use of biotechnology in agriculture

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Relevance of Biology to Agriculture (Cont’d)

  • Pest and disease control using biological methods
  • Application of genetics in agriculture
  • Impact of agricultural practices on the environment

Week 9: Micro-organisms Around Us

  • Types of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses)
  • Distribution of microorganisms
  • Role of microorganisms in nature

Week 10: Beneficial / Harmful Effects of Some Microbes

  • Beneficial roles of microbes (e.g., in fermentation, nitrogen fixation)
  • Harmful effects of microbes (e.g., causing diseases)
  • Public health

Week 11: Revision

Week 12: Examination

Week 13: Closing

SSS 1 BIOLOGY Recommended Textbook

  1. Comprehensive Biology for Senior Secondary Schools by G.N. Anyakoha
  2. Modern Biology for Senior Secondary Schools by S.T. Ramalingam


In summary, the SSS 1 Biology scheme of work provides a well-rounded education in biological science. 

By exploring essential topics and gradually introducing complexity, this structured approach has ensured a thorough comprehension of biology’s fundamental principles. 

You also explore and develop a nuanced understanding of life’s organization, from cellular structure to ecosystem balance. 

As you progress through this scheme, its foundation, combined with recommended textbooks, serve as a valuable springboard.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us

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