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Picture this: a roadmap to mastering the essentials of home life, from budgeting to healthy living, all packed into one academic year. 

This article guides you through the Home Economics scheme of work for JSS 2 in Nigeria, offering a detailed breakdown of what to expect each term. 

Whether it’s food and nutrition, home management, or textiles, you’ll find an organised plan that covers each topic in depth. 

With this scheme of work, you are sure to navigate the curriculum efficiently, complete with a recommended textbook to support your learning journey. 


Ready to dive in? Let’s explore!

JSS 2 HOME ECONOMICS First Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Signs of Puberty

  • Definition of puberty
  • Physical changes in boys
  • Physical changes in girls

Week 2: Signs of Puberty (Cont’d)

  • Emotional changes in boys and girls
  • Social changes during puberty
  • Managing puberty changes

Week 3: Hygiene and Puberty

  • Personal hygiene practices during puberty
  • Menstrual hygiene for girls
  • Causes and Prevention of Body odour
  • The importance of cleanliness during puberty
  • Best hygiene practices for boys and girls

Week 4: Adolescence

  • Definition and stages of adolescence
  • Emotional development in adolescence
  • Social behaviours during adolescence

Week 5: Sexuality

  • Understanding human sexuality
  • Sexual development during adolescence
  • Myths and facts about sexuality

Week 6: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and HIV/AIDS

  • Definition and types of STDs
  • Symptoms and prevention of STDs
  • HIV/AIDS: causes, transmission, and prevention

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: The Impact of Family Values on Lifestyles

  • Definition of family values
  • How family values shape behaviour
  • Influence of family on decision-making

Week 9: Human Rights and Violation

  • Basic human rights
  • Examples of human rights violations
  • Protecting your rights

Week 10: Family Conflicts

  • Causes of family conflicts
  • Ways to manage and resolve family conflicts
  • Impact of family conflicts on children

JSS 2 HOME ECONOMICS Second Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Family Crisis

  • Definition of family crisis
  • Types of family crisis
  • Causes and effects of family crisis
  • Managing family crisis

Week 2: Food Nutrients

  • Definition of food nutrients
  • Types and functions of food nutrients
  • Sources of food nutrients
  • Effects of nutrient deficiency

Week 3: Food Hygiene and Food Preparation

  • Meaning and importance of food hygiene
  • Methods and steps involved in food preservation
  • Hygiene during food preparation
  • Preparation and handling of simple drinks and snacks.

Week 4: Managing Family Clothing

  • Definition of family clothing
  • Importance of managing family clothing
  • Clothing needs for different family members
  • Care of family clothing – storage and repairs

Week 5: Household Linen

  • Definition and importance of household linen
  • Types of household linen
  • Factors that influence selection of household linen
  • Care of household linen

Week 6: The Family House 

  • Types of family houses
  • Functional areas of a family house and their uses 

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Maintenance of the Family House

  • Importance of maintaining the family house
  • Common maintenance issues in the family house
  • Tools for maintaining the family house

Week 9: Guidelines for the Maintenance and Care of the Family House

  • General guidelines for house maintenance
  • Daily, weekly, and seasonal care of the house
  • Preventive maintenance strategies

Week 10: Commercial and Local Household Cleaning

  • Definition of household cleaning
  • Types of cleaning agents
  • Cleaning materials and equipments
  • Safety measures during cleaning

JSS 2 HOME ECONOMICS Third Term Scheme of Work

Week 1: Seams and Seams Finishes

  • Definition of seams
  • Types of seams
  • Importance of seams in garment construction

Week 2: Seams and Seams Finishes (Cont’d)

  • Definition and types of seam finishes
  • Illustrations of different seams finishes
  • Importance of seam finishes

Week 3: Seams and Seams Finishes (Cont’d)

  • Making of different seam finishes
  • Methods of applying seam finishes
  • Factors to consider in choosing seam finishes

Week 4: Edge Finishes

  • Definition and types of edge finishes
  • Things to consider in choosing edge finishes
  • Importance of edge finishes in garment construction
  • Making edge finishing

Week 5: Body Measurement

  • Definition of body measurement
  • Tools used in body measurement
  • Importance of accurate body measurement

Week 6: Body Measurement (Cont’d)

  • Procedures for taking body measurements
  • Guidelines for accurate measurement

Week 7: Mid-Term Break

Week 8: Basic Pattern Drafting

  • Definition of pattern drafting
  • Tools used in pattern drafting
  • Importance of basic pattern drafting

Week 9: Basic Pattern Drafting (Cont’d)

  • Steps in drafting basic patterns
  • Factors to consider in pattern drafting

Week 10: Drafting Basic Bodies and Skirt Patterns

  • Definition of bodice and skirt patterns
  • Procedure for drafting bodice patterns
  • Procedure for drafting skirt patterns

JSS 2 HOME ECONOMICS Recommended Textbook

  1. “Home Economics for Junior Secondary Schools, Book 2” by Elizabeth U. Anyakoha

This textbook is widely used in Nigerian schools and provides detailed explanations on family life, food and nutrition, clothing, and housing, including all the topics in your scheme of work.

  1. Basic Home Economics for Junior Secondary Schools, Book 2″ by Margaret Akinyi and Jane Akinbode

This book covers various aspects of home management, personal hygiene, food preparation, clothing construction, and family care, aligning with the topics listed in the JSS2 scheme of work.


Imagine diving into the essential elements of everyday life, where the mastery of practical skills meets the foundation of family dynamics. 

In JSS 2 Home Economics, you journey through the stages of growth, from understanding puberty and personal hygiene in the first term to tackling food nutrients, clothing management, and maintaining the family home in the second. 

By the third term, you explore the intricacies of seams, pattern drafting, and body measurements, building a solid foundation in garment construction. 

Each term ties together the life skills needed to manage a household with confidence, guided by textbooks that bring these topics to life.

DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs. 

While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us

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