If you’re taking Islamic Religious Studies in SSS 2, this scheme of work covers essential topics for understanding Islamic teachings and principles.
Spread across three terms, it delves into the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic jurisprudence, providing a structured path for your learning.
Week by week, you explore the foundations of the Islamic faith in a systematic way.
With recommended textbooks to complement the lessons, your grasp of Islamic studies becomes enhanced throughout the year.

Week 1: Quranic Studies: Suratul – Qariah and Suratul – Takatur
- Recitation in Arabic and its translation
- Significance of Suratul – Qariah
- Commentary on Suratul – Takatur
Week 2: Quranic Studies: Suratul – Asr and Suratul – Humaza
- Recitation in Arabic and its translation
- Key lessons from Suratul – Asr
- Commentary on Suratul – Humaza
Week 3: Quranic Studies: Suratul – Fil and Suratul – Quraysh
- Recitation in Arabic and its translation
- Significance of Suratul – Fil
- Lessons derived from Suratul – Quraysh
Week 4: Quranic Studies: Suratul – Maun, Suratul – Kawthar, and Suratul – Kafirun
- Recitation in Arabic and its translation
- Importance of Suratul – Maun
- Commentary on Suratul – Kawthar and Suratul – Kafirun
Week 5: Introduction to An-Nawawi’s Collection
- Overview of An-Nawawi 11
- Overview of An-Nawawi 12
- Overview of An-Nawawi 13
Week 6: Understanding Sawn (Fasting)
- Definition and types of Sawn
- Objectives of Sawn in Islam
- Relevant verses and Hadith related to Sawn
- Practical applications of Sawn values in daily life
Week 7: Mid-Term Break
Week 8: Ibadah: Hajj
- Definition and spiritual objectives of Hajj
- Social and moral values associated with Hajj
- Relevant verses and Hadith on Hajj
Week 9: Jihad: An Overview
- Definition and types of Jihad
- Methods of executing Jihad effectively
Week 10: Understanding Shariah
- Definition and significance of Shariah
- Sources and scope of Shariah
- Distinctions between Shariah and other legal systems
Week 11: The Islamic Economic System
- Key features: Halal, Haram, and Zakat
- Understanding Tazkiyah (purification) in economic transactions
Week 12: Revision/Examination
Week 13: Closing
Week 1: Hadith: An-Nawawi’s Collections
- Overview of An-Nawawi 14
- Overview of An-Nawawi 15
- Overview of An-Nawawi 16
Week 2: The Four Sunni Schools of Thought
- Historical background of the schools
- Key features of Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi’i, and Hanafi schools
- Founders of each school
Week 3: Nikkah (Marriage)
- Definition and concept of Nikkah
- Purpose and significance of marriage in Islam
- Rules and regulations governing marriage
- Islam’s stance on celibacy and homosexuality
Week 4: Hadith: An-Nawawi’s Collections
- Overview of An-Nawawi 17
- Overview of An-Nawawi 18
- Overview of An-Nawawi 19
Week 5: Political Administration in Islam
- History and characteristics of Islamic governance
- Profiles of the four rightly guided caliphs
- Principles of justice and leadership in Islam
Week 6: The Spread of Islam to North Africa
- Factors leading to the spread of Islam
- Role of early Muslim traders in the spread of Islam
Week 7: Mid-Term Break
Week 8: The Spread of Islam to West Africa
- Influences of traders, preachers, and Sufi orders
- Resistance faced by early Muslims from local chiefs
Week 9: Islam in West Africa
- Economic conditions before Islam: Timbuktu, Kano, and Bornu
- Impact of Islam on the economy and politics of West Africa
- Challenges of syncretism (Taklid) in West African Islam
Week 10: Understanding Islamic Civilization
- Quran and Sunnah as foundational sources
- Definition of civilization and the relationship of Muslims with it
Week 11: Revision
Week 12: Examination
Week 13: Closing
Week 1: Islamic Civilization and Education
- Importance of education in Islam
- Notable Islamic educational institutions
- Role of knowledge in Islamic civilization
Week 2: Hadith: An-Nawawi’s Collections
- Overview of An-Nawawi 20
- Overview of An-Nawawi 21
Week 3: Quranic Studies: Suratul-Nadr and Suratul-Lehab
- Recitation in Arabic and its translation
- Brief commentary on Suratul-Nadr
- Significance of Suratul-Lehab
Week 4: Quranic Studies: Suratul-Falaq and Suratul-Nas
- Recitation in Arabic and its translation
- Key themes in Suratul-Falaq
- Lessons from Suratul-Nas
Week 5: Hadith: An-Nawawi’s Collections
- Overview of An-Nawawi 23
- Overview of An-Nawawi 25
- Overview of An-Nawawi 27
- Overview of An-Nawawi 28
- Overview of An-Nawawi 32
Week 6: Addressing Alcohol, Gambling, and Drug Abuse
- The Islamic perspective on intoxicants
- Impacts of gambling and drug abuse
- Understanding the prohibition of smoking in Islam
Week 7: Mid-Term Break
Week 8: Tawhid and Fiqh
- Definition and importance of Tawhid
- Relationship between Tawhid and Fiqh in Islamic teachings
Week 9: A Talaq (Divorce)
- Definition and types of divorce in Islam
- Custody considerations for children post-divorce
- Overview of Mirath (Inheritance) with Q. 4:7-14
- General principles governing inheritance in Islam
Week 10: Islamic Moral Education
- Importance of kindness to parents
- Emphasis on honesty in speech
- Significance of modesty in behavior and attire
- Understanding trust, leadership, and followership in Islam
Week 11: Revision
Week 12: Examination
Week 13: Closing
- Islamic Studies for Senior Secondary School by M. A. Oladosu
- Islamic Religious Knowledge for Senior Secondary Schools by Bashir Raji
SSS 2 Islamic Religious Studies covers a range of key topics in the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic ethics.
The scheme of work organizes lessons into weekly discussions, offering you a deeper understanding of core Islamic beliefs and practices.
With a focus on jurisprudence and personal conduct, the content ensures a well-rounded religious education.
Textbooks recommended for this course add to the breadth of learning available to you.
DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs.
While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us.