Islamic Religious Studies provides a deep dive into essential concepts of faith, beliefs, and practices in Islam.
The scheme of work for JSS 2 is designed to offer a structured approach to learning these core principles, guiding you step by step.
This article provides a comprehensive outline of each topic covered throughout the terms, paired with recommended textbooks to enhance your understanding.
It’s an informative guide to help you navigate through the key areas of study with ease.

Week 1: Suratul Quaraysh(Quran 106)
- The Arabic text transliteration
- Reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- Application of the lessons in daily life
Week 2: SuratulFil(Quran 105)
- The Arabic text transliteration
- Reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- Application of the lessons in daily life
Week 3: The Prophets of Allah
- The definition / meaning of the Prophets
- Examples of Prophets of Allah
- The qualities and the roles of the Prophets
- Muhammed as the seal of all the Prophets
Week 4: The Prophets of Allah (cont’d)
- The other Prophet of Allah and their brief history e.g. Prophet Ibrahim, Prophet Ismail
Week 5: Prophet Muhammed (SAW) as the Seal of all the Prophets
- Encouraging the student to put into practice the qualities of the prophets of Allah.
Week 6: Hadith Number 10 of An-Nawawi’s Collection
- The Arabic text of the hadith
- The transliteration
- The reading and meaning of the hadith
Week 7: Mid-Term Break
Week 8: Hadith number 11 of An-Nawawi’s Collection
- The Arabic text of the hadith
- The transliteration
- The reading and the meaning of the hadith
- The lessons from the hadith
- The application of the lessons of the hadith to daily life
Week 9: Hijjatul – wida
- The meaning of Hijjatul-wida
- Some of the messages of khutbatulwida
- Extract from the khutbatalwida lessons and the significance of the khutbah
Week 10: Environmental Sanitation
- Meaning of environmental sanitation
- How to maintain cleanliness and neatness
- How to maintain a clean environment
Week 11: Revision
Week 12: Examination
Week 13: Closing
Week 1: SuratulHumazha(Qur’an 104)
- The Arabic text of the surah
- The transliteration
- Reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- The application of the surah to daily life
Week 2: SuratulFalaq(Qur’an 113)
- The Arabic texts of the surah the transliteration, reading and memorization of the surah
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah and application of the lessons in daily life.
Week 3: The Angels
- Definition and nature of the angels; examples and functions of the angelse.g., angel Israfil-blows the trumpet etc.
Week 4: Hadith 13 of An-Nawawi’s Collection
- The Arabic text of the hadith
- The transliteration
- The reading and the meaning of the hadith
- The lessons from the hadith
- The application of the lessons of the hadith to daily life.
Week 5: Hadith 14 from An-Nawawi’s collection
- The Arabic text of the hadith
- The transliteration
- The reading and the meaning of the hadith
- The lessons from the hadith
- The application of the hadith to daily life
Week 6: Environmental Sanitation
- Meaning of anti-social habits
- Some anti-social habits with regards to sanitation
- Reasons why such anti-social habits with regards to sanitation is discouraged in Islam
Week 7: Mid-Term Break
Week 8: SuratulQariah(Q101)
- The Arabic text of the surah
- The transliteration
- The reading and the memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- The application of the lessons to daily life
Week 9: Child’s Rights in Islam (Protection)
- Meaning of protection right
- The child’s right in Islam
- The recognition of child’s protection right in Islam
Week 10: Child’s Rights in Islam(Protection) (cont’d)
- The use of Qur’anic verses and hadith to support the child’s protection right in Islam.
- The highlight of U.N.O conversion as related to protection rights and the implementation of protection rights in the society
Week 11: Revision
Week 12: Examination
Week 13: Closing
Week 1: Suratul Nasr (Q110)
- The Arabic text of the surah
- The transliteration
- Reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- Application of the lessons in daily life
Week 2: Suratual Maun (Q107)
- The Arabic text of the surah
- The transliteration
- The reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- Application of the lesson to daily life
Week 3: Al-khalifah
- ArRashidun
- The meaning of word Khalifah
- Khalifah – ArRashidun
- The four rightly guided Khalifa (mention the names of the khalifahArRashidun)
Week 4: Al-KhalifaArRashidun (cont’d)
- Brief history of Abubakr as a Khalifah and the lessons derived from his life
- Brief history of other Khalifa and the lessons derived from their lives
Week 5: SuratulAsr (Q103)
- The Arabic text of the surah
- The transliteration
- The reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- Application of the lessons in daily life
Week 6: Suratul Al-Takathur (Q102)
- The Arabic text of the surah
- The transliteration
- The reading and memorization
- The meaning and the lessons from the surah
- Application of the lessons to daily life
Week 7: Mid-Term Break
Week 8: Hadith 16 and 17 of An-Nawawi’s Collections
- The Arabic text of the hadith
- The transliteration
- The reading and the meaning of the hadith
- The lessons from the hadith
- The application of the hadith to daily life
Week 9: Hadith 18 of An-Nawawi’s collection
- The Arabic text of the hadith
- The transliteration
- The reading and the meaning of the hadith
- The lessons from the hadith
- Application of the hadith to daily life
Week 10: Attributes of Allah
- AR Rahim
- AR – Rahaman
- Al Bari
- Al Khalq
Week 11: Revision
Week 12: Examination
Week 13: Closing
- Islamic Studies for Junior Secondary Schools (Books 1-3)” by Dr. Abdulwahid Luqman
- “Essential Islamic Studies for Junior Secondary Schools” by M.O. Badmus
This article provides a comprehensive scheme of work for Islamic Religious Studies in JSS 2, covering topics like the Qur’an, Hadith collections, Tawhid, and Ibadah.
Spanning three terms, it includes lessons on the Islamic political system, An-Nawawi’s Hadith, and Islamic economic practices.
The recommended textbooks offer additional depth to help you navigate these core religious themes.
With this article, you have everything needed to ensure a thorough understanding of Islamic studies across the academic year.
DISCLAIMER: Everything on this page is based on our research of what is obtainable for schools in all the states in the country, including government and some private schools. Schemes of work normally undergo a series of reviews and some schools modify them to suit their specific needs.
While we do all our possible best to keep up with the latest and approved schemes of work in the country, check the specific template your school uses. For example, some private secondary schools integrate the British curriculum. If you teach in such schools, expect to see slight changes to what we offer on this page. If you have any questions or require personalised support, kindly feel free to contact us.